January 2016

January 2016


Here is the first newsletter by the 1st Chair of Parents’ Association with Info about security, lila container and canteen. And the second newsletter  by Ms. Irene Rosin and Mr. Günther Körbler with Info about transport to the school.

Purple Pavillon

Gutachten zu den Messungen und der Bewertung der Innenluftqualität des Lila Containers der Europäischen Schule München 2014-2015 von Herr Benoît Hazebrouck. Messungen, Bewertung, Literaturverzeichnis und Vorschläge für das weitere Vorgehen.

Expert Report on the measurements and the evaluation of the indoor air quality of the purple container of the European School Munich 2014-2015 by Mr. Benoît Hazebrouck. Measurements, evaluation, bibliography and suggestions for further action.
