Extra-curricular Activities

 11/2020 Today we were notified by the ESM management that the extra-curricular activities (including music courses) in the school premises can continue this week as planned.The canteen, transport and garderie services will also continue as usual this week.The situation will be reassessed on November 5th. If there are any changes, we will inform you immediately. Please remind your children to carefully observe the hygienic precautions.We would also like to remind you to pay attention to ESM regulations regarding the return from a risk area (according to RKI). Please see the link below for more information:https://www.ev-esm.org/corona-dashboard/ ...

09/2020  ASSOCIATION   Finally, also our newsletter for the new school year! We apologize for not being able to send it earlier. The school management decided which education model should finally be implemented only a few days before school start. Also, the Bavarian authorities did not really help us in this situation. This caused the necessity to rapidly modify/adapt all our services. Notwithstanding some problems, we are now on the good run and managed to start all of them. You have already received information directly from our service partners. Below  are some further details.   New marking system We inform you here about an initiative of parents of the ES Brussels who plan to file a complaint in Germany (Normenkontrollantrag) till November 2020 against the new marking system in the ES. A teleconference by parents representatives of the ES Brussels is planned for Monday, September 7th from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.. Interested parents can contact directly Mrs. Renate...

05/2020In our program of extra-curricular activities for the school year 2020/21 you will find some novelties, the planning of which we started even before the beginning of the Corona crisis. We are convinced that our efforts will meet the needs of families.You can see the overview of our program offer divided for kindergarten, primary school and high school levels in the Extra-curricular Activities section.The booking of the extra-curricular school activities for 2020/21 starts from June 3rd, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. directly via the NSA Booking Tool.We hope to be able to offer all courses in the ESM and with our partners again from September. Nevertheless, we have included the following points in our planning:• For the safety of our children and course teachers we have reduced the number of participants in the courses so that distance rules can be followed if necessary. We have also created new courses. For some...

 05/2020Information about the Partial Opening of ESM TransportAs the concerned parents have already been informed separately, the school buses for primary school classes P1 and P5 are being organized.The school buses will also be available for the planned opening of the school for P2, P3 and P4. You will receive information about this in a timely manner.Unfortunately, kindergarten children are not allowed in the school buses at the moment because we cannot guarantee the requirement of travelling with their siblings.All shuttle buses between ESM and EPO remain canceled as no garderie services are allowed at the moment. Garderie Due to the precaution not to mix the pupils, the after school care is cancelled until further notice.Regarding the final bill, RUF has now decided not to charge the parents for June. This is a compensation for the services not provided by RUF as from mid-March to June. RUF will continue to integrate the salary...

03/2020  The corona pandemic continues to expand and in Bavaria school classes cannot take place until April 19th, 2020. As you read in the message from ESM Director Anton Hrovath on March 13th, 2020, the European School Munich stays closed until then. Extra-curricular Activities The school closure also applies to our entire offer of extra-curricular activities. It is not yet clear if the courses continue as of April 20th, 2020. We will let you know as soon as new information is available. For the moment, it means the following for the extra-curricular courses (except music courses): Regrettably, we have to cancel the courses until April 19th, 2020. We will try to organize additional dates for the canceled course units, either after the end of the currently planned course end or by extending the individual course hours. We are currently clarifying with the course teachers what options there are for the individual courses. We will...

03/2020  As you were informed yesterday, the European School Munich will be closed for the next 14 days starting Monday, 09.03.2020. For this reason, the Parents' Association will suspend all secondary school activities and all after-school care for the next 14 days. This also includes courses held at other locations, as we cannot and do not want to make any exceptions in the interest of all families and course teachers. Naturally, we are trying to find appropriate solutions regarding replacement dates, costs etc. Due to the exceptional circumstances, we kindly ask for your understanding and patience over the next few days while we work hard to find appropriate solutions. The PA is constantly in contact with the school management and will do its best to forward any relevant information to the parents. Please note that the PA is not in a position to forward any information regarding names, sections or classes of...

03/2020   Starting on Monday, March 9th 2020 9:00 am, the registration for Garderie Services and Homework Academy Courses for the next school year will be available in our systems. For the school year 2020/21 the garderie services for kindergarten children can now also be booked on a daily basis. We are happy to offer you various possibilities of after-school care organized by the EV-ESM. Based on the needs and preferences of your child you can now select: - a Garderie service for kindergarten and primary school children provided by one of our long-term external partners: R.U.F. or Die Pauker, - or a Homework Academy Course in German, French, Italian, Spanish or Greek language to help your child with school preparation. You will find more details about each offer and its registration at our website. For Garderie services, please read more at https://www.ev-esm.org/services/garderie For Homework Academy Courses, please read at https://www.ev-esm.org/services/extra-curricular-activities/202021program ...

02/2020 We are happy to ainform you about furhter extra-curricular activities we are offering in the 2. school term in addition to the courses already running:A brand new course 45B Theater Atelier in French (the description in French can be found here). The course should be held on Wednesdays at 1.15 pm and if there are enough bookings, the first session should take place on February 12th, 2020. The summer semester course 10ss Tricks and Magic on Tuesdays at 4.00 p.m. can only take place if the available places are booked. The planned start of the course is March 3rd, 2020. Two more short First Aid courses (66 -71) have been added in May and June 2020. The additional courses start after most of the whole year courses are over. In both 03A Football and 01 Basketball, which finally started after opening the sports hall, there are still free places for booking. If...

12/2019 Association At the General Assembly of the EV-ESM, held on 22.10.2019, the following new Board members have been elected: Chairman of the EV-ESM – Roberto Trimarchi Deputy Chairman – Rafael Baltanás Jorge The assembly minutes are published here. New Website We are glad to inform you that as of 28.11.2019 is our new web portal online: www.ev-esm.org The new website is currently in English, but we are already working on the German version, which will follow soon.Security The EV-ESM is still in close collaboration with the school in order to improve the measures with respect to all security issues. An information email will be sent soon by the school with more details.Canteen After a difficult start of the canteen in Fasangarten, we keep working on improving our service and inform you on a regular basis. This will give you more details about the backgrounds of your kid’s plate too. -  The initial construction errors of the canteen have been removed by Bundesanstalt für...

11/2019  If you are still looking for a course or activity for your child, please see the updated list of avalaible places in the running courses. You will find all the information in the Program for 2019/20 page of the Extra-curricular Activities section....

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