Author: Flavio Carsughi

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03/2020  As you were informed yesterday, the European School Munich will be closed for the next 14 days starting Monday, 09.03.2020. For this reason, the Parents' Association will suspend all secondary school activities and all after-school care for the next 14 days. This also includes courses held at other locations, as we cannot and do not want to make any exceptions in the interest of all families and course teachers. Naturally, we are trying to find appropriate solutions regarding replacement dates, costs etc. Due to the exceptional circumstances, we kindly ask for your understanding and patience over the next few days while we work hard to find appropriate solutions. The PA is constantly in contact with the school management and will do its best to forward any relevant information to the parents. Please note that the PA is not in a position to forward any information regarding names, sections or classes of...

02/2020Garderie / Homework Academy Courses   Registration from March 9Transport  Information Email on March 30Registration for MVV Card or School Bus from April 1 until May 30Registration for ESM-EPO Shuttle Bus from April 1 Extra-Curricular Activities   Program Information Email on May 27Registrationfrom June 3 Canteen Registration from June 15...

02/2020  Due to adverse weather conditions, the European School Munich will be closed for all students on Monday, 10.02.2020. The teaching and supervisory staff as well as the administrative staff will be on duty as far as the weather conditions allow. For students who have not received notification of the cancellation of classes in time and who therefore arrive at the school building, appropriate employment at the school is guaranteed.  ...

02/2020 We are happy to ainform you about furhter extra-curricular activities we are offering in the 2. school term in addition to the courses already running:A brand new course 45B Theater Atelier in French (the description in French can be found here). The course should be held on Wednesdays at 1.15 pm and if there are enough bookings, the first session should take place on February 12th, 2020. The summer semester course 10ss Tricks and Magic on Tuesdays at 4.00 p.m. can only take place if the available places are booked. The planned start of the course is March 3rd, 2020. Two more short First Aid courses (66 -71) have been added in May and June 2020. The additional courses start after most of the whole year courses are over. In both 03A Football and 01 Basketball, which finally started after opening the sports hall, there are still free places for booking. If...

01/2020  The Administration Board meeting was held on 22.1.2020. The Secretary General (SG) explained at the meeting that he has received the mandate of the Board of Governors (BoG) to ensure that all the European Schools follow the same rules.For the ESM the following topics were discussed:Admission policy: The SG referred to the particular restriction (exception) of the admission criteria of category III pupils at the ESM, put in place by the same BoG in 2010, with the reason of the lack of space at the ESM. This reason is not valid anymore since the school has now a lot of space at the two sites (Neuperlach and Fasangarten). Therefore the SG will inform the BoG at the next April meeting that the particular restriction of 2010 has to be lifted. It has to be further mentioned that the German Ministry of the BMBF is very favorable on the cancellation of...

12/2019  The application of the New Marking Scale (NMS) and of the new conversion of the new marks into the national systems started this school year 2019-20 from the current S6 classes. At present both lead to a clear downgrading, as shown in the annexes 1 and 2, provided by the Brussels Parents’ Associations.We met the new German Inspector, Mr Buchmaier, together with members of the Educational Council and students’ representatives. Mr Buchmaier understands our position and requests, in particular since the NMS stills seems to be applied incorrectly. He suggested a round table including the German Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK, responsible for the conversion to the German system), the General Secretariat and parents’ representatives. We were happy to agree to this suggestion and will send two representatives.The Joint Teaching Committee (JTC), a body at European level, had its meeting a bit earlier. The memo of their October meeting (annex 3) reports on the...

11/2019  If you are still looking for a course or activity for your child, please see the updated list of avalaible places in the running courses. You will find all the information in the Program for 2019/20 page of the Extra-curricular Activities section....

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