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09/2018 The MVV cards will be issued on the following days:Montag, 03.09.18 von 9:00-13:00 in the Foyer der Pschorr HöfeDienstag, 04.09.18 von 8:30-13:00 in the Europabau of the ESMMittwoch, 05.09.18 bis 07.09.18 von 12:00-13:00 Uhr at the Reception of the ESM...

06/2018 From now on, registrations for Il Cielo will also be processed via the EV member system. All children who eat at Il Cielo or shop for products in the cafeteria/kiosk must be registered by their parents via the online system. Please log on to and mark your child under "Sign up" for the school year 2018/19 for IL Cielo and register your child under "My Services". ...

NSA: Besides school activitiesThe new course programme (course plan with prices, course plan with teachers) for the coming school year is ready. The online booking starts on Wednesday, 30.05.2018 at 7.00am.Please use only Firefox and your NSA access data !(not the EV membership number - the NSA number is < 20000).Our Online-NSA-Tool: http://mitglieder.nsa-esm.orgReminder: TransportEnglish End of May is the limit date for the reservation for the Transport Service for school year 2018/2019 for your children (for Primary and secondary School for school bus and MVV Abo-Card).TRANSPORT für die Schüler der 6. und 7. Klasse der HSDie Organisation des Transports der Schüler der 6. und 7. Klasse der Höheren Schule wird nicht von der Stadt München übernommen. Das heißt, dass die Schüler ihre Tickets selber kaufen müssen.If students of the 6th and 7th grade HS want to take advantage of the lower training tariff II, you can download an order form for...

Event: Extraordinary General Meeting of MembersAll parents/members are kindly invited to the General Assembly of the Parents‘ Association on December 12th, 2017. For further information please contact the Office of the Parents’ Association....

Event: Extraordinary General Meeting of MembersGeneral Assembly of the Parents‘ Association on December 12th, 2017...

Info - Annual Meeting / Annual AssemblyThe list of candidates and the final agenda for the coming annual meeting are available here.SWALS – Annual Meeting Dear SWALS parents, You are invited to our annual meeting which will take place on October 19, at 17:30 in the Schuman Room. At the end of the SWALS meeting the parents can attend the General Assembly of the Parents’ Association. Looking forward to meeting you there,Dimitrios Varelas (Representative of the parents of SWALS at the Board of the Parents’ Association)EV-ESM General Meeting: 19.10.2017 18:30 ESM Room ErasmusThe next General Assembly will take place on Thursday 19th October 2017 at 18:30 in Erasmus Hall of the European School of Munich. All members of the Parents’ Association are welcome to participate. Here are the invitation, the preliminary agenda and other important documents. For further information please contact the Office of the Parents’ Association.Event: General MeetingGeneral Assembly of...

NewsletterDear Parents, here is the sixth newsletter by the 1st Chairman of Parents’ Association with a Brief Report about the ending school year of the European School....

In exceptional cases: Free MVV card for students of ESM HS 6&7 from the 6the class HS could have a free MVV card, if the parents had the child benefit for at least three children (it is necessary a confirmation of August for the relative school year) or if the parents have unemployed benefit. The requirement of the 3 km distance between home and school has to be respected. The forms can be downloaded here under. A stamp of the ESM you can get at the ESM (reception or the secretary of the secondary school) or at the EV office. Registration has to be done direct to the City.Order form in black and white: in grey:

Interparents – Info –­ European Baccalaureate (BAC)The Interparents in collaboration with the Parents Association has organized an  online form  for collecting and informally share any concern you may have about an exam paper during the Baccalaureate (BAC). Furthermore a roster of experts will support you in case of doubt of procedural irregularity and to make a formal appeal. More info  file here.Furthermore an Information sheet and describes how Interparents and our member associations endeavor to support the parent community on issues related to the Baccalaureate. The documents includes important links and the procedure for reporting procedural irregularity and making a formal appeal.Extracurricular ActivitiesThe new course programme (course plan with prices, course plan with teachers) for the coming school year is ready.The online booking starts on Tuesday, 30.05.2017 at 7.00am.Please use only Firefox and your NSA access data !(not the EV membership number - the NSA number is < 20000)....

Info: Feedback from Open discussion about BrexitHere is  5th newsletter from the 1st Chairman of Parents’ Association with a feedback from the recent Assembly of the English Language section of the ESM on 5th April 2017 at the European School Munich (ESM)....

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