We are moving to Fasangarten

We are moving to Fasangarten



Thanks to the availability of office space in the ESM Primary School in Fasangarten, thanks to the generous approval of the school management, and also in view of the uncertain future of the EPO premises, we decided to move our offices to ESM Fasangarten. We will occupy two nice little and comfortable offices on the ground floor of Haus 3. We thank again the school for this possibility.


The move is planned for the 9th of December 2020.


This move brings various advantages for us. The main advantage is that we will be “on the spot”, to better support all the kids and our service partners, and also to improve our collaboration with the school.


Our new postal address is:

Elternvereinigung der Europäischen Schule München e.V.

Auguste-Kent-Platz 2

81549 München


Please note our updated phone numbers (office hours stay Mo to Fri, 9:00 – 12:00):

089 6281 64311

0176 2171 9798


You can always reach as at our usual e-mail address office@ev-esm.org.

Due to the actual Covid-19 restrictions, personal visits from parents to the ESM Fasangarten, and therefore also to our new offices, are still not permitted. We hope that this restriction will be lifted in the near future.


Alexandra Vasinova